If you want to prevent hair loss, you should consider taking steps before you will even encounter the problem. Preventing hair loss does not say that you should not consider drinking hair supplements yet. Remember that hair loss treatment can also be prevented by eating the right kinds of foods that can enhance the health of the hair and the follicles.
Food ingredients on a kitchen counter
In association with foods that prevent hair loss however, you should bear in mind that increasing your intake of some food sources in your diet will depend upon an existing condition as well. Here’s a common scenario. Hair loss in women can be an indication of some types of health conditions like trouble in the gastrointestinal tract as well as symptoms of deficiency in stomach acids. It can also be an indication of deficiency in vital nutrients needed by the body. Therefore if you want to learn how to prevent hair loss in these cases, you should consider the food you eat as well.
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Foods that Can Help Prevent Hair Loss – Those that are Ideal for Certain Body Disorders that Cause Hair Loss
Since anemia is considered as one of the extreme sources of hair loss, you have to include foods that are rich in iron in your daily meal. You can acquire iron from foods such as liver and other kinds of organ meat. Beware of consuming these foods when you are pregnant though. Eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grain cereals, dates, and even raisins are also good sources in preventing hair loss caused by anemia.
On the other hand, hair loss that is caused by thyroid dysfunction can be reversed by consuming foods rich in vitamin A and iodine. These can be found in food sources like unrefined carrots or spinach, oils from cold-pressed flax, walnut, and pumpkin. Aside from sea salt, which is rich in iodine, you can also eat cabbage, turnips, mustard, soybeans, peanuts, pine nuts, and millet. These foods are especially recommended for individuals with insufficiency in iodine.
Protein Food Sources to Prevent Hair Loss
In view of the fact that your hair is typically composed of protein, you have to devise a diet regimen loaded with protein to promote hair development. The suggested regimen for this consists of brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, and calves’ liver. Additionally, you may also consume around two tablespoons of lecithin – the granulated version. You can also incorporate B vitamin-rich foods in your diet because these vitamins are essential nutrients for your hair.
Some research also showed the efficacy of soy protein in hair loss as it has the ability to strengthen and accelerate the development of your hair. The foods which are rich in soy protein include soy milk and tofu. Some sources also include eggs, low-fat cheese, eggs, fish, beans, yogurt, and brewer’s yeast. Try these ones for better hair loss prevention.
Read more: https://www.wellandgood.com/good-food/eat-protein-to-prevent-hair-loss/
Other Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Loss Prevention
Vitamin C and Vitamin E are vitamins that are essential to the development of your hair. You can acquire these vitamins from foods such as nuts, avocados, and seeds. Olive oil can also be an ideal source and can be incorporated into your regular meals. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of these vitamins as well.
Silica is another nutrient that is good for the good conditioning of your hair. You can find silica in foods like potato peels, red and green peppers, bean sprouts, cucumbers, and whole foods. A nutritious diet composed of raw oats, dehydrated fruits, and cherry juice are good sources of silica, calcium, and iron. These minerals are useful in decreasing or even eliminating hair loss.
Read more: MSM For Hair Growth - https://www.thinhairgrowthguide.com/msm-hair-growth/
Zinc and vitamin B6 are also considered essential in treating hair loss. You can acquire zinc and vitamin b6 from chickpeas. Zinc is very necessary for creating protein in your hair, while vitamin B6 is required for the health of your hair. Another supply of vitamin B6 and Zinc is roast beef. This food contains protein that is good in building your hair as well.
There are still a lot of foods that you can eat, which will help you prevent hair loss.